Have you noticed that I spend a lot more time off the track than on it? Seems like every post is of me getting "back on track" lol.
To that end....I got an hour and a half of writing in this morning - yay! I'm working on the rough draft of the paranormal historical. Having trouble getting the heroine down right. It's really hard for me not to write them uber confident and *so* together. I want Jacena to be sweet and child-like but with an uncanny wisdom that pops out every now and then. Every new scene I have to go back and take out all the too grown-womanish parts. My hero, Greylond, is reserved and brooding. In his world, the imperative is to gain honor and avoid shame, even if that means making dangerous choices. He rushes into defense of his lands and subjects no matter what the odds. And, of course, he always wins
I'm really loving this book.
Did I mention I finally got my friend Christy to do the dogfood promise? What's the dogfood promise, you ask? She has to revise 5 chapters by the end of the year or she has to eat a can of dogfood of my choosing. Yeah. Let that soak in for a minute.
People think that's really crazy, but trust me, a person will do *anything* not to eat that dogfood, including find time to write. It is the ultimate motivator.
On the health front, I'm clinging to a recent 2 lb weight loss (making a total of 4 so far). I've lost and regained these same lbs about 50 times over the last 6 months. No more. Went to Zio's the other night and guess what I had - iced tea. That's it. I had a protein bar before I left which saved my butt. Otherwise the smell of fabulous Italian would have been my undoing.
Arg! Time to go work out. Today I'm working toward 45 minutes of Wii DDR (I was up to an hour before my last surgery) and 20 minutes of bendy yogilates (yoga and pilates mixed). Did I mention that I'm not at all bendy? About like a dry stick. *sigh*
Wish me luck!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Getting Back on Track
Spun by The Pink Spyder at 11:34 AM
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