Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Continued Perils of Pinkie

Holy cow, how stubborn can one man be? I have an answer to that:

Pretty Darn Stubborn

I think my dad has decided he'd rather have a Hoveround instead of walk (even though he's proven he's perfectly capable of walking) and he'd like to live with one of his daughters. Unfortunately, he has discovered how stubborn three women can be.

Pretty Even More Darn Stubborn

Oh yeah. We've gone with him to his physical therapy to make him work. We've talked about all the things we'll do when he's well. We've made him eat. Rewarded him for good behaviour.

He's complained of chest pains to get out of PT. He's complained of being lightheaded and swears he'll faint when we make him stay out of bed for a while. He's sung the Restless Leg Syndrome song with all 99 choruses. He swears he's too nauseated to eat, but he sure feels good when we're wheeling him around the hospital.

He's worn us out. (I should mention here that I came home last Sunday to rest up for my next tour of duty, so he's worn my sister out more than anyone. She definitely deserves the purple heart.)

We finally had to get real with him. We will not let him be an invalid. If he won't walk, he'll have to go to a nursing home. We hated being so blunt, but if he won't do things for himself, he'll waste away. Mom is not strong enough to care for an invalid, and we refuse to let him waste her as well. The mortality rate for elderly caregivers is frighteningly high. Plus, he's freaking capable!! He's been able to walk from the start of his physical therapy.

I'm cautiously optimistic. Sis and Mom have stood firm and gave him a good report yesterday. My sister is going home for a break this weekend, and Mom promises to keep up the pressure. She'll do it too because she wants him home and well. They're perfectly capable of continuing to live on their own for now, and that's what she wants. Can't say I blame her.

Me, I'm catching up on housework in between fielding sis's calls. DH did a pretty good job, but there was still plenty to do. I've sent 4 chapters to my CP's this past month and a half, but I'm still behind on my goal. I need to finish in the next week or two so I can go to work on the other WIP. I have 5 contests I want to enter in the next month.

And it's Valentine's Day!!! The DH and I are taking the grandkids to Chuck E. Cheese and we have presents for them. This Saturday we're going to the Sweetheart Banquet at the church. It's also OKRWA meeting day and that's always good.

Ah, life. What would we do without it? :-)

0 flies caught in my web: