Friday, January 05, 2007

Time for the after-holiday Snoopy dance!!

To hear the music, go to I couldn't figure out how to put the music in my blog - is that possible? Ah well...perhaps some particularly delectable fly will let me know how to do it...

I've been officially off work since the end of October, and it seems I'm busier than ever!! Where does the time go? At least what I'm getting done are the things I want to get done. I think once I get a good routine down (without holiday business!), I'll be much less stressed.

The holidays were great, by the way. My new grandbaby was born December 13, and he's as handsome as can be. Nana is already terribly in love with him. I went to see him yesterday and he stayed awake most of the time and looked around. My daughter arrived from Boston on the 22nd, and it was sooooo good to see her. We drove to Texas to visit my mom and dad and had a great time. My son moved back from college for the holidays, and it feels like old times. I've really missed him! He goes back around the 10th.

In two weeks from yesterday, Lane and I will be jetting off for St. Thomas - woo hoo!! I can't wait to get somewhere tropical. We're not going to do a darn thing while we're there except lay on the beach, take naps, and relax. We may sign up for an outing or two, but we're not committing to anything.

My physical therapy for the little tear in my rotator cuff (shoulder) is going well. I can already feel the difference, but I can also tell it's going to take a long time to heal. In the meantime, I've begun my routine of stretching exercises, and today I'm going to check out According to my SHAPE magazine, you sign up for $15 a month and have access to 80 or so workout classes of all types. I want to do Yoga, pilates, and of course I must do strength training for osteoporosis and the cancer. I'll do more exercises in one week than I've done in my whole life combined!! They say it's never too late to start, and I hope that's right!

Gotta run. Got lots to do before I go to PT at 11:00. Make 2007 a year of health, everyone. I love all of you, and I want us all to be together for many years to come!!



1 flies caught in my web:

Betty S said...

St. Thomas!! (I'll go as your lugage carrier.)

I'm needing to start an exercise routine, too. I rejoined weight watchers and I'm intent upon getting myself into some better habits.